A Witch Alone at the Crossroads

All about Hekate, three-formed Goddess of the crossroads

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Celebrating Deipnon in April

, 00:16 - Permalink

Working with Hekate who brought a friend of us and of Hers, in our door. According to divination I did, Hekate planned this trip of a Hellene friend who lived abroad and arranged to have a meeting together in order to practice magick and learn each other better. This member is also a member of the Covenant of Hekate and we were friends long before we knew about the C.O.H. So let's read what happened.

The April had begun. In Hellas the weather is hot, sunny but with a lot of dust in the atmosphere. The spring brings allergies, along with butterflies, fresh grass, buds and faeries. This April was different. A person from England came to Hellas, a person I really like, because she is Hellene by blood and by the way she is behaving and thinking. It was unexpected, but that's why we like Hekate.

I considered myself very lucky and my partner, Eirini felt the same way. We have dreamed ourselves working together magickally. It was Saturday at the second day of April. The ring made the usual noise and after some steps I saw my friend, K.D. for the first time, face to face. Eirini was in the house too and another friend of mine. We gather each Saturday to exchange Reiki. So, our meeting started with a Reiki session! The four of us started to talk about metaphysics and personal experiences. I felt that I knew K.D. from my young age. It was not unusual that we kept contact via facebook messenger.

After the sessions we decided to honour Hekate together. We entered the working room. We did basic energetic cleansing of the space, we calmed ourselves and then we invoked Hekate. After that we gave Her offerings and we started chanting in Her honor. After praying we gave farewell to Hekate. The ritual ended with a centering exercise. That night, we took some photos, a faerie appeared playing with Eirini's hair. During the invocation we felt Hekate and after the ritual one member confessed that he/she came with some problems in her mind and after the ritual she/he felt that nothing was big for her to deal with. The four of us felt a vivid refreshment.

In April's 6 the Moon was Dark, so in the night it was time for Deipnon. As the custom is described in the COH I made an incense with cleansing herbs. I cleaned the house physically and metaphysically. In the evening K.D. came in the house with her offerings to Hekate. Eirini also brought some things for the Deipnon. We started with the tree exercise and opening the chakras, a banishing ritual, the blessing of the body, opening the circle, invocations, chanting, Esbat, Deipnon Ritual... We recited hymns from the creative projects of the COH, personal hymns, we called Hekate and prayed in silence to Her. K.D. had a good idea to use the sacred vowels to raise energy and use some candle magick to honor Hekate. The ceremony was long and some interesting things happened, that I don't want to share. I believe that Hekate managed this meeting and She was happy for us. The next day I did some divination asking Her about our work with K.D. She was happy with us and it seemed that she had organized another meeting, which happened very easily that day.

The non-COH person who participated in the ritual knew a few things about Hekate. We talked to her about our Luminous Goddess. Though she is not a pagan, she wanted to participate with enthousiasm and the divination gave a positive answer. She was balanced enough. Anyway, after her Hekate based experience she told me that she believed in Her and when we were praying she asked something for Her, which came clearly in less than a week. During the Full Moon she took a diploma to a healing method, which was something she wanted to do, but she didn't know that this system existed. A friend of her's talked to her about a chinese method and my friend took the course intensively. After completing it, she passed the first test and she thinks that this is what she needed to gain temporary balance.


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