A Witch Alone at the Crossroads

All about Hekate, three-formed Goddess of the crossroads

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Introduction to Stoic Philosophy

, 03:26

We have presented opinions of Zenon and Epictetus in the blog, but we hadn’t written anything on Stoic Philosophy, this great school of antiquity. We don’t often see Philosophy in blogs about Hekate and even in blogs with a broader range of the subject of Witchcraft and Magick. In “A Witch Alone at the Crossroads” we consider Philosophy as a basic factor for understanding the cult and the mysteries of the Goddess. There is no way that can be achieved an appropriate understanding of Neoplatonism and of the Chaldean Oracles, without an understanding of the basic teachings of the systems which influenced them.

In ancient Hellas, Philosophy’s upper part was theology and it asked much influence in the religion. So, why not?

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Zenon and Epictetus on Piety

, 19:12

In the following article we will see how two main Stoic philosophers saw piety on Gods. From the blog we have also seen the opinions of Theophrastus and Plutarch on that subject.

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