A Witch Alone at the Crossroads

All about Hekate, three-formed Goddess of the crossroads

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, 18:01 - Permalink

Dear reader,

from 2015 to 2018 we shared more than 150 articles with you. We have build a website to categorize better those articles, search on them, comment them, participate more, vote and send us your feedback. If you liked our blog A Witch Alone At the Crossroads follow us in the Crossroads Witch.

http://www.crossroadswitch.com cw.jpg

Register on the page, register on the newsletter, comment on articles and blog posts, read reviews, vote on books and articles, vote on polls, send messages to other members and respond to comments. The new website has many capabilities and you can access it from your mobile phone, your tablet, netbook, pc, etc. The Crossroads Witch will be an attempt to create a good crossroads (meeting point) for devotees of the ancient Goddess Hekate.

May we meet there.

LVX, Constantinos Nterziotis & Eirini Tsotsou



, 23:20 - Permalink

3 years later... A Witch Alone at the Crossroads is going to change.

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Beginners Reading List about Hekate

, 14:56 - Permalink

This is the beginners a reading list and focuses on the books that a beginner should read in order to get to know better the Goddess and Her characteristics.

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Book Review: Apology of Socrates

, 11:18 - Permalink

The Apology of Socrates is a work of Plato which was written shortly after the death of the great philosopher Socrates. This work is the first one written by Plato who was a close student of Socrates.

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Why Plato says that Atheism is a Disease

, 01:07 - Permalink

Someone brought to my attention that atheism is considered disease by Plato. This phrase has caused many misconceptions and negative criticism and it is important before forming an opinion about a subject or a person, we need to be sure that we understand the concept of which someone speaks – and in our case Plato in the current of Platonism.This article is not about to offend anyone or pass judgement on anyone's choice. This article is a commentary on Plato's opinion.

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Plato on Piety

, 03:42 - Permalink

Anyone who is unfair to humans cannot respect God. -Porphyry


As we have written again on piety, from different ancient Hellenes writers, we will continue that tradition today, by presenting a taste of platonic theology, through the book Laws, which is the last dialogue of Plato. It consists of 12 books and an additional one. In the tenth book we read about three major crimes, which are three cases of disrespect against the gods. The first case is that gods do not exist. The second case is that gods don't care about humane problems. The third case is that humans can bribe the gods with offerings so that they won't be harsh on his unjust actions. Those ideas are crimes against gods and Plato is proving that ignorance is the cause of them. He also proves why those three ideas are wrong. In the article we will see a synopsis of the tenth book, centering aroung piety.

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Book Review: Axiochos by Plato

, 02:22 - Permalink

Start studying philosophy with the platonic dialogue Axiochos!

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Book Review: Practical Elemental Magick

, 11:47 - Permalink

Practical Elemental Magick: Working the Magick of Air Fire Water & Earth in the Western Esoteric Tradition, by David Rankine and Sorita d'Este

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Introduction to Stoic Philosophy

, 03:26 - Permalink

We have presented opinions of Zenon and Epictetus in the blog, but we hadn’t written anything on Stoic Philosophy, this great school of antiquity. We don’t often see Philosophy in blogs about Hekate and even in blogs with a broader range of the subject of Witchcraft and Magick. In “A Witch Alone at the Crossroads” we consider Philosophy as a basic factor for understanding the cult and the mysteries of the Goddess. There is no way that can be achieved an appropriate understanding of Neoplatonism and of the Chaldean Oracles, without an understanding of the basic teachings of the systems which influenced them.

In ancient Hellas, Philosophy’s upper part was theology and it asked much influence in the religion. So, why not?

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The Ancients Wouldn’t Had Blocked you in a Dialogue

, 21:55 - Permalink

As an active member in the community of the Goddess Hekate, I participate in conversations providing evidence, experiences and my opinion whenever I see that I can help. Sometimes, I see some odd opinions online and in my attempt to understand how those were formed, I start a discussion by making questions. I am sure that you have an experience where you ask a question and the other side thinks you are rude, arrogant, disrespectful, fool, troll that you misbehave etc. A famous author wrote once an imaginary dialogue: Someone is accusing him that he eats babies and he kills cats. Suddenly he finds that profile and asks a question: “how do you know that”. Then the profile responds: “Oh, look he is attacking me again.” Total mess huh? A sad state to be honest.

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